Love your blog. Thought I'd share a totally idiotic MUNI adventure with you. I was riding the 30 Stockton Sunday night around 9:30 PM. It was bus number 5551. I got on at Sutter and the heat was on. I don't know why cause it was like 65 degrees outside. Every window was open. After a few minutes, I was sweating like a piggy. Around Columbus, I went up to the driver and asked if he could turn the heat off because we were all hot. His reply "Really?" I said yeah, we're burning up. He then muttered something I couldn't understand. He never turned the heat off. An elderly woman was fanning herself and sweating. She had to get off early cause she couldn't take it anymore. If a driver can't understand that heat is not needed and to turn it off, why the hell is he driving a bus? Kinda scary.
Actually, RedScorpion68, really scary.
Yep. That's our city's finest at work. Don't even bother about sending in one of the MUNI complaint forms. I sent one in five months ago and requested a reply. After two follow ups, I still haven't heard. If any other Friscoers have a MUNI story or other complaint, feel free to send. We'll Bad Dog them. We good people need all the support we can get.
Actually, RedScorpion68, really scary.
Yep. That's our city's finest at work. Don't even bother about sending in one of the MUNI complaint forms. I sent one in five months ago and requested a reply. After two follow ups, I still haven't heard. If any other Friscoers have a MUNI story or other complaint, feel free to send. We'll Bad Dog them. We good people need all the support we can get.
This isn't even the worse. I saw a 38 Geary driver almost hit a kid on a bike in the cross walk. MUNI is crap.
I hate Muni more each day. I know its a huge system to operate, but the fact that they can't even manage the over populated 38 Geary line is stupid. Bad Muni indeed!
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